Wednesday, October 6, 2010

RQ2: What Happens When Unemployment Occurs Among Our Local Undergraduates?

When unemployment occurs among our local undergraduates we can see in the increase in crime statistic. I am not saying that the crime statistic increase mainly due to unemployment of local undergraduates but in a way it does attribute in the crime statistic. When local undergraduates do not get employed by companies they tend to get involved in criminal activities so that they can gain fast money. Although they know is the wrong thing to get involved in criminal activities, but they do not have much choice. They need income in order to survive. When they get caught, they tend to regret although is too late to do so.  Besides that, when our local undergraduates is not employed in their own country, they tend to migrate overseas in order to get a job. This will be a great loss to the country because there will be less youth left in the country to develop the country. We will also loose experts in certain field.


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  2. I think unemployment also effect the individu himself.Being jobless will surely effect the person's self esteem.This happen when someone couldn't get a job when everyone else does.Job influences how we see ourselves as well as the way others see us.Thats why jobless is one of the most stressful thing one can ever experience.One also will start losing their faith and confidence in themselves.
