Monday, September 27, 2010

RQ1: Reasons

I can say that this is one of the possibility that causing the unemployment among local graduates.I'm not blaming at only one side but the mentality of today's graduates that want to find a job that only based on what u learnt in university is certainly cannot be accepted in today's job environment.For some cases,a degree or diploma is only a ticket for the graduates to get into the interview.For example if you have a degree in English,i does mean that you have to apply jobs that relates with teaching or something educational.The graduates can even apply for job at those place such as TV station, business company and many other places.It is during the interview that the graduates have to worry about because for most employee,the interview plays really important part as it is during the interview the employee manages to identify the most qualified and how the graduates carry themselves is that matter the most besides the qualifications.So the graduates should stop being choosy when looking for a job.With today's economy that has slowed down ,the graduates should be aware that it means they have to compete and challenge each other to get into job marketing.These are the global challenges and reality that the graduates have to face and deal with.

RO2: Impacts

1. Occurrence of economy imbalance
2. Increase in the amount of social problems
3. Lack of manpower in certain sectors
4. Gives a negative images towards other countries

Sunday, September 26, 2010


1. Bad preparation before attending an interview.
2. Answering questions badly.
3. Not telling the truth.
4. Not giving a good impression for the first time.
5. Does not attend at time.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Please check back each and every post and please leave comments wherever possible about your take on the RQs and ROs.
If we can finish the blog by next week, I can finish the slides by the end of the month.
And we'll have our report prepared as soon as possible too.
Please push it even though our hands are tight, because it's important that we clear our assignments by week 13, which is 10th October.
Thank you so much for your cooperation.

Regards, Jane.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

When to meet?

So when will we meet and discuss about the slides and the reports?I think we have to meet and do it within this week as we are now fastly approaching the dateline.Please reply this.Thankyou.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

When Do Undergraduate Find It Hard To Get For Job?

Undergraduate find it hard to get a job as soon as they graduate. This is because there are many graduates who apply for the job at once and companies only gives job to graduate who are much qualified than others. Besides that, undergraduate finds it hard to get a job when the countries economy is not in a good condition. This is because many companies cannot afford to hire in new employee because of the economy crisis.

RQ3: How to overcome Unemployment among Undergraduates?

  1. Undergraduate must not be choosy in picking up for a job.
  2. Undergraduate must be proficient in English as company gives priority in it.
  3. Undergraduate must be prepared when going for an interview.
  4.  Undergraduate must be confident when attending an interview as this gives a good impression to the interviewer.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Please follow the blog, it'll make it easier to keep us updated with it.
And besides that, please leave comments at each other's post whenever you're free,
Since we don't really have much time left I really hope everyone can cooperate.
Better still before we get back to Uni. TQ.