Tuesday, August 24, 2010

RQ3: Solution 2

Department Statistic shows that Malaysian employment rate was recorded at 3.5% for the year 2009 and believed to increase to 4.5% by the end of 2009.There are many researches done to ovecome this problem. One of it is Jobless Insurance Scheme which was proposed by National Economic Advisory Council(NEAC). This scheme was introduced to lower the increase of the rate of jobless in the nation and it aims the jobless to quickly seek for new jobs even at lower salary and believed that this scheme helps them to get hired faster.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

RQ3: Solution

RQ: How can we overcome the unemployment of local graduates?
RO: To investigate the ways to solve this issue from getting worse by the years.

1st thing 1st, I personally think that no man will go hungry without getting a job, especially in Malaysia, as I see jobs opportunity everywhere. The question is it's not easy landing the exact job that you want, or what has been your ambition all along.

Hence, so many graduates couldn't find a job the moment they leave the university. One of the reasons I think is because the graduates nowadays are too picky, they just couldn't settle for a job that has a lesser pay than what they was hoping for, or perhaps jobs that doesn't fit their expertise, and so they don't see a point of working a job that doesn't requires their skills.

This is seriously a misconception, for when you leave the university and not get a job within the 1st 3 months, at most 6 months, you'll be classified as a jobless person instead of a fresh graduate. The reason is simply because when you don't work for more than 3 months, when you go for interviews after that, the interviewer will question your ability to work and function as an individual that will benefit the company.

Besides that, of course, most company would prefer to hire individuals that are flexible and can function in terms of sense and logical thinking. They need people that could make the right choice and pick out what will be beneficial for the company, instead of individuals that couldn't work as a team and even more do everything by the book.

Hence, it is crucial that IPTs should train university students skills to face challenges when they goes out into the working world. They should alter the Curriculum to fit their job requirement skills instead of baseless curriculum that doesn't really helps build up an individual's personality. In addition, the IPT should create more programs that students can involve in to enhance skills and human development.

Take Aiesec for example, an organization that is lead by university students all around the world, where it serves as an international platform in discovering the potentials of each individuals and bringing out their leadership qualities.

The courses offered in the universities should be based on what they'll really practice when they go out to work instead of some unnecessary courses that takes up a student's time. For most of the times, when they don't practice what they learn, they can't function well when they are required to do so in their job requirements.

These are some of the ways I think will help decrease the rate of unemployment among graduates. Please give me some feedback as to whether my opinion can be accepted. Do note that we have to review each other's opinion and not only focus on our own RQ's and RO's. TQ.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

RQ1: Unemployment among local graduates.

This is for the RQ that Penthius has posted before.
RQ: What are the reasons that cause unemployment among local graduates?
You can scrolled down through the older post and find that some of us have posted some of the causes which as you can see most of them are likely the same.We can use them but I wrote them back in points form so that you can see clearly the points and it is easier to read.I've elaborated the first point and Kitty you may elaborate the second point then.

The reasons of unemployment among local graduates are:
1.Lack of soft skills among local graduates which is now highly demanded from the employers.
2.The local graduates can't speak and communicate well in English
3.The local graduated are very choosy in finding jobs.
4.Lack of guidance in finding the right job and during the interview.

1.Lack of soft skills among local graduates
Getting a job today are way much more complex than 15-20 years ago. Nowadays a good combination of soft skills with a good qualification is are highly demanded by the employers.Qualification is just a ticket for you to get to an interview but how you perform during the interview that matters and this is all involved your soft skills.Soft skills which involved the communication skills,the ability to lead and participate in a team,ability to solve problem and making decision,self confidence are very important in todays's market.Local graduates should have developed this skills when they were still in university so that when they finished studies and when its time to apply a job,they already have all the qualities needed for a good job.

Posted by Myra.

RO1: 5 Factors of Undergraduate being Unemployed

There are five factors which cause undergraduate not getting job. The first factor is that the undergraduate are always searching for perfect job. They always want to get hired to high position on the first month of getting a job. They also want to get job according to their qualifications and they don't want to do any job which do not suit them.
     The second factor is sending a cover letter or resume' filled with grammatical mistakes and typographical errors. This will eventually shows the hiring managers that they are not cared about the quality of work. This is because normally the resume' will reflect personality and how they pay attention when doing a resume'.
     Furthermore, the third factor is showing up late for interview.This factor will create a negative impression to the hiring managers because they is a saving which goes,"the first impression is the last impression''.The undergraduate will give an opinion to the future management that they are not discplined.
     The fourth factor is the undergraduate that goes for an interview should be in a proper dress code. They should match their dress code according to their job.
     The final factor is not researching about the company before attending interview.They should take an initiative to find out about the company history,its goals and its culture so that they will have an idea about the company before they go for an interview.

Group Members

Myra: Saidah Umairah
Kitty: Dasmesh Kaur
Penthius: Jane
Sapphire: Indrani

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Research Questions & Research Objectives

Here is my suggestion. That each of us do one Research Question and one Research Objective respectively.

1#Kitty & Myra[This has more to say on it as it seems, so I think two people should focus on this.]
RQ: What are the reasons for the unemployment of local graduates?
RO: To investigate the causes of the unemployment among local graduates.


RQ: What happens when unemployment of local graduates occur in our nation?
RO: To investigate the consequences and impact unemployment among local graduates in our private and government sectors.

RQ: How can we overcome the unemployment of local graduates?
RO: To investigate the ways to solve this issue from getting worse by the years.

For now I'd only thought of 3 RQs and 3 ROs. So whoever thought of another RQ and RO please state it here and we'll discuss it together. TQ.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

RQ1: Unemployment among graduates

Why Graduates Are Unemployed?
The reason graduates are unemployed is because they are very choosy in finding a job.Graduates prefer to work in a comfortable and cozy environment than working in a much harder and tougher environment. Besides that, some graduates only look at jobs which offers higher pay and allowances.Moreover, some companies do not hire graduates because of lack of command in English language. Some graduates cannot speak in English language and companies only pick candidates who speaks in English because many local companies deals with foreign companies therefore making it compulsory for graduates to speak good in English language in order to get a job.Besides that, graduates prefer to work in private sectors than working in the public sector. This is because private sectors offers higher pay and allowances and bonuses making graduates to work in private sectors.

Friday, August 6, 2010

The 5W's & 1H

Below are examples of what we could look about for the topic. Please give me more suggestions on the 5W's & 1H. TQ.

+As in where does unemployment usually happens? Private sectors or Public sectors? Which party is more willing to absorb local graduates intotheir industry?

+Is it all year round of it hits even worse during economic crisis? The time they applied for work. The current situation of the nation.

+What happens to the ones that couldn't get a job? Will they be able to survive and support their own? Or will they continue to be dependant on their families?

+Who are the ones that are affected the most when such things happens? Is it their partners? Themselves? Their family? Etc.

+Why does such things still happen when Malaysia has so many jobs opportunity for foreigners? Is it because the local graduates are not up to par to the ones coming from overseas?

+How can we deal with the situation and how to help decrease the rate of unemployment among Malaysians. As in to overcome the problem.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

RO1: Causes of Unemployment

This can be the causes why the unemployment among local graduates has become world major concerns today.
Because they lack social and communication skills in addition to a poor command of language and low levels of self confidence.

Lack of communication skills

Employment counselors are well aware that communication skills are in demand in the workplace. 
Successful careers require the ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing; these critical competencies will become more valuable as technology intensifies the significant role of messages in the workplace. 
Language is a powerful force. 
People in the workplace need to communicate quickly and effectively in messages sent by e-mail and handheld instant messaging devices; in meetings and dyadic encounters; and, of course, in letters, memorandums, and report.
Results showed that employers were less than satisfied with overall communication skills of their new hires and recommended that students receive more training in both oral communication and written communication skills.

Poor command of language
It is confirmed what has long been known most of the unemployed are Malays from lower-income families who lack command of the English language.
The poor command of our English with current generation is probably due to the many of the participants were Malays with degrees in business studies or information technology from public universities, where courses are taught in Malay.
They are still using Malay language along all the lessons.
These is why most of the graduates can't communicate and speak in English well.


By the way,can anyone of you post the questions that we have been discussed before?Thank you.