Sunday, August 15, 2010

RQ1: Unemployment among local graduates.

This is for the RQ that Penthius has posted before.
RQ: What are the reasons that cause unemployment among local graduates?
You can scrolled down through the older post and find that some of us have posted some of the causes which as you can see most of them are likely the same.We can use them but I wrote them back in points form so that you can see clearly the points and it is easier to read.I've elaborated the first point and Kitty you may elaborate the second point then.

The reasons of unemployment among local graduates are:
1.Lack of soft skills among local graduates which is now highly demanded from the employers.
2.The local graduates can't speak and communicate well in English
3.The local graduated are very choosy in finding jobs.
4.Lack of guidance in finding the right job and during the interview.

1.Lack of soft skills among local graduates
Getting a job today are way much more complex than 15-20 years ago. Nowadays a good combination of soft skills with a good qualification is are highly demanded by the employers.Qualification is just a ticket for you to get to an interview but how you perform during the interview that matters and this is all involved your soft skills.Soft skills which involved the communication skills,the ability to lead and participate in a team,ability to solve problem and making decision,self confidence are very important in todays's market.Local graduates should have developed this skills when they were still in university so that when they finished studies and when its time to apply a job,they already have all the qualities needed for a good job.

Posted by Myra.


  1. +I thk these skills can be achieve by a community like Aiesec which should be promoted more widely. It's after all an organization that is handled truly by all the university students. Giving them a chance to learn to organize something all by themselves.

  2. yes.nowdays there's a lot of event in the university that students may helps the students to gain the soft skilss needed and one of the training in order to become a leader.
