Friday, August 6, 2010

The 5W's & 1H

Below are examples of what we could look about for the topic. Please give me more suggestions on the 5W's & 1H. TQ.

+As in where does unemployment usually happens? Private sectors or Public sectors? Which party is more willing to absorb local graduates intotheir industry?

+Is it all year round of it hits even worse during economic crisis? The time they applied for work. The current situation of the nation.

+What happens to the ones that couldn't get a job? Will they be able to survive and support their own? Or will they continue to be dependant on their families?

+Who are the ones that are affected the most when such things happens? Is it their partners? Themselves? Their family? Etc.

+Why does such things still happen when Malaysia has so many jobs opportunity for foreigners? Is it because the local graduates are not up to par to the ones coming from overseas?

+How can we deal with the situation and how to help decrease the rate of unemployment among Malaysians. As in to overcome the problem.

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